What do you read my lord?
Words, words, words..
What is the matter, my lord?
Between who?
Back from sweet San Diego. Oh the sunshine. That air in from the water. Sea lions basking on buoys in the harbor. Clean and chill, but somehow vacant. Missing something. Or at least I didn't find the right places.. Though there were moments, standing near the border, looking up at those hills when I found myself thinking about the desert.. and Joshua Tree.
Surprises in store when I got to my desk on Sunday afternoon to push piles of paperwork around (oh the forms!). What to say? Words. But I'm unfortunately buried in them now. Piles to push through, miles to go before I sleep. Or some such thing. I'm feeling the need for a weekend in the mountains. A cabin. Something simple. And sweet.
Thoughts on Wild and Crossing to Safety and NW to come. Also currently enjoying the new Kanye single and R.L. Burnside (of course) and that Dylan AARP interview..
Edit (1/28): Searching for the RA setlist from September, I found this. Oh the Internet Archive.